Raccoon in Attic Removal
If you have a raccoon in your attic, you need to remove it as soon as possible. Raccoons are destructive animals that will tear up your insulation, urinate and defecate everywhere, and even chew through electrical wiring. Not to mention, they can be dangerous to you and your family if they feel threatened. The best way to remove a raccoon from your attic is to call a professional raccoon removal company. They will have the experience and equipment to safely and humanely raccoon removal from your home.
In contrast to other visible spaces of your home, your attic and crawl space are usually obscured from your view. Nonetheless, these areas require the same attention and care you give to the rest of your home. Many homeowners are unaware of the problems that can occur in hard-to-reach attics or crawl spaces. Unfortunately, these problems can lead to severe damage and hazardous health conditions if left untreated.
Wild life nesting
Mold & Moisture build up
We can provide our attic or crawl space clean up service in any location and for large or small projects. Our Raccoon Removal Services is available for commercial, industrial & residential properties, which is also backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Protect Your Family From Rodent-Transmitted Diseases
In addition to ruining your attic and crawl space, rats, mice, squirrels, skunks, and raccoon removal can leave disease pathogens in these areas. The airborne dust from dried droppings can be a factor in many respiratory diseases, including Hantavirus. It is important to first remove the infected debris and then sanitize and disinfect the area.
Why Attic & Crawl Space Disinfection is Important?
Did you know, about 40% of the air in your living space is drawn from the crawl space? These contaminants find their way into your living space and pose a serious health risk to you and your family. It is for this reason that crawl space cleaning is undeniably important.


Xtreme Controls provides waste removal for wild animals including raccoons in toronto & Surrounding areas. Raccoon Removal is a serious human and pet health risk. Do not disturb it without wearing a respirator. Both the feces and urine from raccoons can spread diseases including,
Raccoon roundworm
Raccoons tend to deposit waste into a communal area like the base of a tree, wood pile, stump, or rock garden which is used by other raccoons, also. If one of these community toilets happens to be in your yard you’ve got a hazard to your health. Indoors raccoons can choose to use your deck or porch, your attic, or your garage. Raccoon feces are dark and tubular and have a pungent odor. If a raccoon has made a latrine in your yard below a fence or tree limb, we can usually coax a raccoon to go elsewhere by treating the overhanging fence or branch with a Cayote Urine – They do not like to smell. No harm is done to the raccoons so it’s a win win.

Raccoon roundworm eggs are present in their feces and are so tiny that if disturbed, they can float into the air and be inadvertently inhaled by you, a child, and especially by a dog since they like to sniff everything! After the eggs are ingested, larvae migrate to the brain or other bodily areas which can result in serious illness within a week. Immediate treatment is necessary. This is a dangerous pathogen and can even be fatal if not treated. Raccoon roundworm can damage the central nervous system, organs. Severe cases have resulted in blindness and coma. In addition to roundworm infections, raccoons bring with them a range of parasites including fleas, lice, ticks, and mites. That’s why raccoon poop poses a real threat to humans and your pets including both cats and dogs.

Raccoon roundworm eggs are present in their feces and are so tiny that if disturbed, they can float into the air and be inadvertently inhaled by you, a child, and especially by a dog since they like to sniff everything! After the eggs are ingested, larvae migrate to the brain or other bodily areas which can result in serious illness within a week. Immediate treatment is necessary. This is a dangerous pathogen and can even be fatal if not treated. Raccoon roundworm can damage the central nervous system, organs. Severe cases have resulted in blindness and coma. In addition to roundworm infections, raccoons bring with them a range of parasites including fleas, lice, ticks, and mites.That’s why raccoon poop poses a real threat to humans and your pets including both cats and dogs.

When COVID struck back in 2020 , this is what hazmat workers used to successfully disinfect the contaminated spaces. It is an EPA-registered antimicrobial that meets CDC criteria for use against COVID , yet this same disinfectant is so safe you can wash your hands with it (which we do frequently). It is non-toxic, non-flammable, non-hazardous, and causes no respiratory – Some skin irritation might occur in animals or humans while the disinfectant is still air born. It is certified as no rinse required. Respirators or rubber gloves are required for application. Our disinfectant is simply one of the best, safest and most effective disinfectants there is. And we’re pretty proud of it.
Dead animals & Carcasses From your house, disinfect the area and provide Odor control services

Contact us today for a free on-site estimate and inspection.


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